Archive for October 29th, 2012

What to use for protocolling activity?

October 29th, 2012

i need a general tool where i organize ideas and work.
a workspace from which i also can post or send.
it should be an offline tool.

Posted in Developing | Comments (0)

I just wanted to have a window which looks similar to the wordpress app on my desktop. And since i use…

October 29th, 2012

I just wanted to have a window which looks similar to the wordpress app on my desktop.
And since i use Iron instead of Chrome my command-line is different.
"C:Program Files (x86)SRWare Ironiron.exe" –app=http://blogaddress.tld/wp-admin/

Then is replaced the desktop icon with

Internet speeds are getting better by the day and along with that desktop applications are getting replaced by internet applications. Thanks to latest tech

Posted in my g+ postings | Comments (0)

I just wanted to have a window which looks similar to the wordpress app on my desktop.And since i use…

October 29th, 2012

I just wanted to have a window which looks similar to the wordpress app on my desktop.
And since i use Iron instead of Chrome my command-line is different.
"C:Program Files (x86)SRWare Ironiron.exe" –app=http://blogaddress.tld/wp-admin/

Then is replaced the desktop icon with

Internet speeds are getting better by the day and along with that desktop applications are getting replaced by internet applications. Thanks to latest tech

Posted in Developing | Comments (0)